
12 Mar
Sorry i cant use the question marker somebody has the Spanish symbols locked on here so just roll with it!
So pretty much my entire flat is empty now, all the other missionaries that are going to Cebu.Tacloban and the other place all got shipped off today! so it was kind of sad and quiet today, so I pretty much napped all day!
Some of them had crazy flight plans though, because airlines cut missionaries deals if they just fill up seats, so some of them went to Oakland at like 4 am, and flew right to Manila! I don’t get how that works haha!
I remember when Eric was in the field it was cool! I hope I can have the same effect, it is strange though I think about maybe I have an effect on CJ’s views on what he wants to do. I will have to write you a letter to send to him!
Today for dinner I ate only a salad and im taking a laxative pill tonight! so wish me the best of luck!
And good luck on trying to keep up with  my schedule, my teacher said in the Phillipines you move so fast that you are just always exhausted, and he said you are never not tired! so that is fun! That’s why they tend to send athletes and farmers to the Phillipines!
Well my time runs short because I have to email all my buddies in the field! I love you! write me a dear elder so i can respond to it!

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