

19 Aug

I do love this time in the mission when they have so much to do, they feel like they have to wrote fast and move on.  When Eric, Colin’s brother was in Korean on his mission, I remember the letter he wrote saying it was a bit of a relief to think of someone else for a change.

Hello all so much to write this week so I’m just going to blast it out to all of ya! Ha-ha!

So this week was pretty crazy ha-ha! We taught like 50 lessons, it was crazy basically we have 15 minutes to teach and we have to run to the next house! When you have two Americans it’s so easy, Philippinos love tall Americans and Swain is six five so we get work done here ha-ha!

So we had a investigator come to church this week, which is a miracle in that of its self, but… she also has hole in her heart so that is pretty legit ha-ha she really wants to get baptized, hopefully she doesn’t die before that :p


I went on splits with our scary EQ president, he was pretty awesome, he was so bold to the less actives I just watched them argue and laugh ha-ha!

 I rebuked and old man this week, he was the first branch president and he kept griefing the bishop, so I went in there with guns blazing and just threw down some scripture.

 I get fed 5 times this week, and I have to work out hard so I can stay fit ha-ha! They are just feeding us cake and rice, all they eat is fat and carbs… perfect weightlifting diet though! But I have to weights to lift! So I found a sledgehammer and I just hit stuff with it and lift 5 gallon water jugs and push the bishop’s car around ha-ha! 

Everybody back home is getting pregnant and married so that’s cool.

 I’m getting stepped up to District Leader soon so that’s fun.

So the sisters asked me if this couple could get married and be baptized, only when I found out they were brother and sister did I say… No. We played a joke on them and told them to put covers over their open water containers so there would “be no accidents of people falling into them and drowning” and they did it ahhahaha!

Anyways that’s my week I love you guys! 


One Response to “Selfless”

  1. Frieda August 19, 2013 at 11:44 pm #

    “Getting pregnant and married?” I hope it’s the other way around! 🙂

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